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“When we elect our lawmakers in America, we influence the moral character of this nation for better or for worse.  When our laws permit violence against little babies, incidents like the Columbine High School shootings are the logical outcome …”

Rev. Frank Pavone, National  Priests for Life


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. . . a true Catholic, is an abomination unto God.
How so?  He tells of the things that are acceptable and unacceptable in His
Only Holy Guidebook, that He has given us on how to walk a Christian life,
on how to be saved, on how to have eternal life.

Roman Catholics place their trust in their Lord and Savior Jesus 
Christ.  Everything described above is truly the teaching of the
Church stated simply.  Everything stated above as biblical is true.
There is no need to change doctrine, nor to leave the Roman
Catholic Church. There is a need to understand something for what
it truly is before attacking it.  Roman Catholics do trust in the
Lord.  The Roman Catholic Church is indeed man-made, only in the
sense that the man who founded it upon the rock of St. Peter was
Jesus Christ, truly man.  But Christ is also truly God, so the
Church has a truly divine origin in Christ himself.  Of this there
is no doubt.  A true Roman Catholic is not an abomination before
God, for in the strictest fundamentalist sense, nowhere in the list
of things in the Bible that God finds abominable is the Roman
Catholic Church. Can one presume to say what God sees as an
abomination outside of Scripture?  Perhaps when we stand before the
Judgment Seat of Christ we will say that we are Catholic and he
will respond, "well done good and faithful servants, come and share
my joy with me." Perhaps he will reward us,too, for not calling our
own Christian bretheren abominations before God as they are so
prone to calling us.  "Judge not, lest ye be judged."


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