In Whom Do You Put You Trust?
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In April 1998 I received an e-mail from a fundmentalist challenging my Catholic faith. This fundamentalist sent me a series of questions/statements followed by "In whom do you put you trust?"  This section is an attempt to answer those questions. I welcome any comments or suggestions to make my replies even more clear. Also if you know of any links to sites that may be able to answer these questions even more fully please send them to me.


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“When we elect our lawmakers in America, we influence the moral character of this nation for better or for worse.  When our laws permit violence against little babies, incidents like the Columbine High School shootings are the logical outcome …”

Rev. Frank Pavone, National  Priests for Life


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1So when the Church tells you that sacraments are necessary for salvation,
and Jesus taught that only belief was necessary, in whom do you put your
trust? Response

2.  When the Church tells you that you can't be sure that you are going to
heaven when you die, and God tells you that you can be sure, in whom do you
put your trust? Response

3.  When the Church tells you that there is a purgatory before heaven, and the
Bible says nothing of the sort, in whom do you put your trust? Response

4When the Church tells you that you can't interpret the Bible and the Holy
Spirit tells you that you can, in whom do you put your trust? Response

5When the Church tells you that Jesus comes down to the altar, at the beck
and call of a priest to be sacrificed, and Jesus said "it is finished" and
that by one(!) offering man can have salvation, in whom do you put your
trust? Response

6When the Church tells you that the Pope is infallible, and God tells you
that there is none righteous, no, not one; in whom do you put your trust? Response

7. When the Church tells you that you are saved at baptism, and Jesus tells
you that you are saved when you (not your parents) call upon the name of
the Lord, in whom do you put your trust? Response

8. When the Church tells you that Mary offered Jesus on the cross, and the
Bible teaches that Jesus offered Himself, in whom do you put your trust? Response

9. When the Church tells you that Mary was born without original sin and lived
a sinless life, and God tells you that Jesus was the only one who ever did
that, in whom do you put your trust? Response

10. When the Church tells you that priests are another Christ, and the Bible
teaches that there is one Christ, in whom do you put your trust? Response

11. When the Church tells you its OK to make graven images, statues, and idols
and proudly display them in your churches and homes, and when God commanded
you to not do so, in whom do you put your trust? Response

12When Jesus said to test the spirits, for there are many false prophets in
the world, and the Church tells you they can't be talking about us, in whom
do you put your trust? Response

13When Revelation 17 talks about the great whore and the Church tells you
they can't be talking about us, in whom do you put your trust? Response

14. When the Church tells you that Mary was the co-redeemer of mankind, and the
Bible tells you that you are lessening the work that Christ did on the
cross, in whom do you put your trust? Response

15. When the Church tells you its ok to pray to Mary and for the dead, and the
Lord God commands you to pray to none other that Him, in whom do you put
your trust? Response

16. When the Church tells you that a priest can forgive you of your sins, and
Jesus tells you that God is the only one that can forgive you your sins, in
whom do you put your trust? Response

17. When the Church tells you that Jesus comes to exist in a wafer after being
invoked to do so by a priest, and a personal relationship with the Lord
Jesus Christ tells you that this is pure folly, in whom do you put your
trust? Response

.conclusion. a true Catholic, is an abomination unto God.
How so?  He tells of the things that are acceptable and unacceptable in His
Only Holy Guidebook, that He has given us on how to walk a Christian life,
on how to be saved, on how to have eternal life. Response

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This page was last updated on 03/03/01.

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