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Campaign 2000

“When we elect our lawmakers in America, we influence the moral character of this nation for better or for worse.  When our laws permit violence against little babies, incidents like the Columbine High School shootings are the logical outcome …”

Rev. Frank Pavone, National  Priests for Life

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 The General Election on November 7, 2000 is a DAY OF DESTINY for the Pro-Life movement and for our nation.  Will Americans choose a President who expands the culture of death now prevalent in our nation or will we use our reason and intelligence to vote for a President who will aggressively promote a culture of life?

THE CHOICE IS CLEAR – Vice-President Gore has stated and demonstrated time and time again his pro-abortion position.  GEORGE W. BUSH has proved his strong pro-life stand as Governor of Texas and in his clear statements of respect for the dignity of human life.

To vote for any other candidate is a vote to approve the continued killing of preborn babies – 4000 a day!  A vote for a third party candidate may make a statement, but it is a lost vote and could cause pro-abortion Al Gore to win, thereby appointing as many as 3 to 4 pro-abort Justices in his term(s).

“Not since 1980 has every facet of our political system rested on the outcome of one election,”      states Carol Tobias, National Right to Life PAC Director.



·         As President would sign the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban;

·         Opposes the use of taxpayer money for abortions;

·         Believes that Roe v. Wade should be reversed, allowing the Congress and state legislatures to once again protect unborn children;

·         Supported and signed a parental notice law in Texas requiring that parents be notified before a minor child can get an abortion;

·         Will appoint Justices to the Supreme Court who will strictly interpret the Constitution according to its text and history and not use the bench to legislate

Al Gore, Jr. (D) – Strongly Pro-Abortion

·         Supports Roe v. Wade, which allows abortion for any reason at any  time in pregnancy, even as birth control and even in the form of infanticide in partial-birth abortions. (Stenberg v. Carhart);

·         Supports Clinton’s veto of the Partial-birth Abortion Ban Act;

·         Routinely voted to use taxes for elective abortions as a U.S. Representative;

·         Opposes the Hyde Amendment that prevents tax funded abortion;

·         Co-Sponsored the now defunct “Freedom of Choice Act,” which would have nullified state laws, such as Kentucky’s parental notification

·          Al Gore said, “…[R]est assured that a Supreme Court majority appointed in a Gore Administration would support a woman’s right to choose.” (ABC’s This Week – 10/13/99)



·         Opposes abortion on demand;

·         100% pro-life voting record during 10 years in Congress;

·         Opposes partial-birth abortion;

·         Voted against tax funding of abortion;

·         Supports parental notification

Joseph Lieberman (D) – Pro-Abortion

·         Voted pro-abortion 66 out of 67 times during 12 years in Senate;

·         Voted five times against the ban on partial-birth abortion;

·         Voted in favor of tax funding of abortion on demand;

·          Voted against parental notification


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