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Gore is Deceiving Catholic Voters on Partial-Birth Abortion

Source: National Right to Life Press Release; October 18, 2000

Gore is Deceiving Catholic Voters on Partial-Birth Abortion

Washington -- Comments on abortion policy by Al Gore to the Catholic News
Service (CNS) and on a questionnaire to the United States Catholic
Conference (USCC), both released this week, "are brazenly misleading, and
show that Al Gore will say anything if he thinks he can get away with it,"
said a spokesman for the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the
nation's major pro-life organization.

The comments by NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson came in response
to distribution by CNS of a copyrighted feature story based on an
exclusive October 14 interview with Gore. CNS distributed the story to
Catholic newspapers across the nation under the headline, "Gore sees hope
for 'common ground' movement on abortion." The story is posted at

In the interview, Gore misrepresented himself as seeking "common ground"
on abortion policy and as favoring stringent restrictions on partial-birth
abortion. In the same vein, in a written response to a questionnaire from
the USCC -- released today -- Gore's campaign said, "Consistent with Roe
v. Wade, Al Gore opposes late-term abortions and the procedure of
partial-birth abortions." (The survey responses are at

"Al Gore must think that Catholics have very short memories or are awfully
politically gullible," commented NRLC's Johnson. "Al Gore tells Catholic
newspapers that he is seeking a middle ground on abortion -- but on
February 15, in accepting the endorsement of NARAL, Gore said, 'As
president, with your help, I will make sure that the right to choose is
never threatened, never weakened and never taken away.' Al Gore now tells
Catholic voters that he supports restrictions on partial-birth abortions
-- but on June 28, Gore applauded when five Supreme Court justices said
that Roe v. Wade means that partial-birth abortions must be allowed even
on perfectly healthy women, if it is the method preferred by an
abortionist. Indeed, Gore warned that only by his election could that
ruling be preserved."

According to the CNS story, "Gore said his willingness to sign a law
banning partial-birth abortion -- provided it allows exceptions when the
life or health of the mother is endangered -- is one thing that should be
considered by people who agree with him on most other issues but hesitate
to vote for him because of his record of support for legal abortion."

Johnson commented, "For Catholic audiences, Gore is being extremely
misleading in his characterizations of legislation on partial-birth
With strong bipartisan majorities and the endorsement of the AMA,
Congress passed a bill to ban partial-birth abortions, except to save the
mother's life, but Clinton vetoed the bill with Gore's approval."

Johnson also noted, "The legislation endorsed by Gore would do nothing to
curb partial-birth abortions, and both Gore and NARAL know it.    Gore's
hollow proposal would provide absolutely no protection for the thousands
of babies subjected to partial-birth abortions in the fifth and sixth
months of pregnancy, because Gore does not consider those to be
'late-term' abortions.    Even in the seventh month and later, the 'health'
language endorsed by Gore would not stop any partial-birth abortions."


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"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you" Jeremiah 1:5

This Page last updated: Tuesday, October 31, 2000

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