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Campaign 2000

“When we elect our lawmakers in America, we influence the moral character of this nation for better or for worse.  When our laws permit violence against little babies, incidents like the Columbine High School shootings are the logical outcome …”

Rev. Frank Pavone, National  Priests for Life


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Politics and Abortion

Now that the 2000 election is over this section will contain news of national political interest in regards to LIFE. Check back from time to time for important information regarding national legislation.


Government, Law, and Political Responsibility

Reflections from Priest for Life  newsletters on the central importance of abortion among the various issues.

Click Here to Read the Story

Visit these web sites, They have great information:

Ky Right to LIfe

Government, Law, and Political Responsibility: Reflections from Priest for Life  newsletters on the central importance of abortion among the various issues.

National Right to Life: Election 2000

National Right to Life Scorecard on Abortion and Other Right-to-Life Issues

“There is absolutely no question in my mind; whether Roe v. Wade [abortion on demand] is preserved or scrapped depends on what happens in the presidential election, and to pretend otherwise is naïve.”

President Bill Clinton – Washington Times, 1/23/2000

Voting for Life

Mother Angelica talks about "Voting for Life" at:



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"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you" Jeremiah 1:5

This Page last updated: Saturday, March 03, 2001

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