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Reasons Why some Books of the Bible are not Accepted by the Reformers

They are not found in Hebrew or Chaldaic, making it difficult to restore them
  • Tobias -- St Jerome attests that he translated it from Chaldaic into Latin
  • Judith -- Also written in Chaldaic according to St. Jerome
  • Ecclesiasticus -- St. Jerome found it and had it in Hebrew, according to the preface on the Books of Solomon
  • 1-Machabees -- Is found in Hebrew by St. Jerome, he only states he can not find 2-Machabees in Hebrew

These 4 books therefore can not be rejected based on the  statement that they are not found in Hebrew or Chaldaic. As far as the other books are concerned where is there a law or rule that we can not rightfully receive a book because it is not written in one of these languages? Can not the Holy Spirit certainly profess Himself equally well in Greek as in Hebrew or Chaldaic. Can one even prove the Hebrew or Chaldaic texts are the originals and not some badly translated copy?

They are not received by the Jews as legitimate

Neither is Christianity received as legitimate, this says nothing new or important. St. Augustine loudly exclaims "it is the Catholic Church which holds the books of Machabees as canonical not the Jew."

Show in scripture that the Christian church has any less power to give authority to the sacred books as the Mosaic law may have had.

They are not received by the whole church as legitimate

What church does not receive them? The whole of the Catholic Church, founded by Christ, does recognize them as St. Augustine has borne witness to (see the previous statement) and he repeats it citing the Council of Carthage. The Council in Trulio, the Sixth General Council, that of Florence and a hundred ancient authors are also witnesses.

Judith -- St. Jerome witnessed that it was accepted by the First Council of Nise.

Just because there was some indecision in the earliest times why do they reject the final decisions. Apocalypse (Revelation) and Ester were not accepted at the first councils but the protestant reformers accept them rejecting their own arguments.

Canon Law condemns them

Sancta Romania (pope Gelasius I) witnesses that Tobias and Machabees were "publicly received in the church."

The "Gloss" says they are read but not generally. as if to say they are not generally approved everywhere.

Gloss uses the word "perhaps" so he would not be stating what is false. He acknowledges that these books are read in the church, but not generally (i.e. not read all the time)

They have been corrupted and falsified as Eusebius says

Truly all the books of Holy Scripture have been corrupted by the enemies of the church. But by the providence of God they have remained free and pure in the Church's hands as a sacred deposit and the enemies have never been able to spoil so many copies as to not leave enough to restore the others.

Notably the Machabees has been corrupted; particularly 2 Machabees, which St. Jerome said he did not find in Hebrew

Let them prove that Machabees has been corrupted

St. Jerome could not find 2 Machabees in Hebrew. 2 Machabees was written to the Jews in Egypt. The Egyptian Jews used Greek more than Hebrew as evidenced by other documents written by the Egyptian Jews at that time. That is why it was written in Greek.

Of the rejected books the new preface says, "there are in them many false things."

The things that the reformers considered false are:

  • Intercession of Saints
  • Prayer for the dead
  • Free-will
  • Honoring relics

All of these are confirmed in the books of Machabees, Ecclesiasticus and others. They call these false that all of antiquity has held as articles of faith up to the reformation.


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This Page last updated: Tuesday, October 31, 2000

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