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The Testimony and Interior Persuasion of the Holy Spirit

The French reformers told the King of France when presenting "their" lists of canonical books that, "we know these books to be canonical and most safe rule of our faith. Not so much by common accord and consent of the church, as by testimony and interior persuasion of the Holy Spirit, which gives us to discern then from the other ecclesiastical books."

  1. Can one know clearly that when someone claims inspiration exists in ones conscience that they are not telling a lie? Why should one be bound to believing them?
  2. Can one show clearly that these "inspiration" and "persuasions" are of the Holy Spirit? Who does not know that the spirit of darkness very often appears in clothing of light?
  3. Does the spirit grant his persuasions indifferently to everyone, or only to particular persons? If to everyone, how does it happen that millions of Catholics never perceived them, nor the average housewife, workers or even other non-Catholics?
  4. If interior conscience is enough why does Luther reject St. James epistle and Calvin accepts it? How can it be that the Holy Spirit persuades one to reject what he persuades another to accept. The spirit divided against itself, leaving everyone to grow thoroughly obstinate each in his own opinion
  5. Calvin wishes to cut off Wisdom and Machabees
    Luther wishes to cut off Epistle of James and The Apocalypse (Revelation)
    Castilio wishes to cut off Canticle of Canticles
    Anabaptist wishes to cut off the Gospel of Mark
    Others wish to cut off Genesis and Exodus

They all say they have interior revelation. These men have taken away all authority from tradition, the Church, the Councils, what more remains to be corrupted?

The Scripture! The enemy is crafty! If he would take all away at once it would cause alarm. He started a certain and true method of getting rid of it bit by bit, and very gradually. That is this idea of interior inspiration, by which everybody can receive or reject what seems good to themselves. In fact, consider briefly how the process works itself out:

  • Calvin removes Baruch, Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Machabees
  • Luther removes the Epistle of James, St. Jude, 2nd Peter, 2nd and 3rd John, Hebrews, ridicules Ecclesiasticus and holds Job as a fable.
  • Calvin removes the Canticle of the Three Children from Daniel, the history of Susanna and the Dragon of Bel, also a large part of Esther
  • the Geneva Council removes the 22nd verse of Exodus chapter 2
  • Beza casts doubt over the history of the adulteress in the Gospel of John (St. Augustine warned back in his time that the enemy of the Church had already tried that)

In the words of the Eucharist they try to overthrow the authority of the words "which shall be shed for you" because the text clearly shows what was in the chalice was not wine but the Blood of our Savior

St. Augustine said "for my part, I would not believe the Gospel unless the authority of the Catholic Church moved me thereto" and "we receive the New and Old Testament in that number of books which the authority of the Catholic Church determines."

The Holy Spirit can give his inspirations as he likes, but he only directs us to the Church. It is Hers to propose which are true scriptures and which are not.

So why do those that cry scripture alone turn and reject so many books of scripture? They say because there was some doubt about Esther, Hebrews, James, Jude, 2 Peter, John and Revelation. So if it was because of doubt of authenticity why weren't they rejected as well? Truthfully, these were rejected in order to contradict the Church and it;s authority. They were angry because these books supported doctrines that they personally did not like; intercession of Saints, prayer for the dead, free will, honor of relics.


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