This is hot off the wires. Wait unitl real persecution starts -- then you will
see the Christian faithful come together as they were 1,000 years ago!
NEW YORK, Mar 14 ( - On Wednesday, March 15, Focus on the Family
will join Catholics and Protestant evangelicals in a news conference at United Nations
Headquarters in New York to defend the Holy See's UN status against an attack by
pro-abortion organizations. Pro-abortion lobby groups such as Planned Parenthood,
Catholics for Free Choice and others have launched a campaign to have the United Nations
remove the Holy See as a Permanent Observer of the UN. The term "Holy See" is
the official designation for the Catholic Church at the UN.
Focus issued a press release noting that it will participate in the Catholic Family and
Human Rights Institute News Conference scheduled for tomorrow at the UN. The coalition
will present a historic "Declaration in Support of the Holy See at the United
Nations" which has been signed by nearly 800 organizations from 50 countries.
"The Catholic Church has been the number one defender of the unborn child's human
rights around the world and that's why pro-abortion forces are trying to shut the Holy See
out of UN conferences," said Tom Minnery, vice president of public policy at Focus on
the Family. "We Christians from all denominations will stand with our Catholic allies
to see that the abortion industry is not successful at silencing the Holy See at the
The presentation comes exactly one week after the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee
passed a "concurrent resolution commending the Holy See for making significant
contributions to international peace and human rights, and objecting to efforts to expel
the Holy See from the United Nations by removing the Holy See's Permanent Observer status
in the United Nations, and for other purposes." The resolution said that "any
degradation of the status of the Holy See will damage relations between the United States
and the United Nations."
See the Focus press release in the Boston Globe at:
See the full resolution of the Senate Committee passed March 8 at:
This page was last updated on Saturday, June 17, 2000.
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