Pope on Abortion
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The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism (Official Baltimore Catechism Series No. 2) Revised Edition This Catechism retains the text of the Revised Baltimore Catechism, Number 2, but adds abundant explanations to help children understand the difficult parts of each lesson along with pictures to aid in understanding. Intended for grades 6-8 Official
Baltimore Catechism Series No. 1 |
Pope Says Catholic Doctors Must Shun Abortion, EuthanasiaVatican City -- Pope John Paul urged Roman Catholic doctors on Friday to refuse to perform abortions or be party to euthanasia because the church considered both practices "crimes'' that no civil legislation could justify. In an address to doctors visiting Rome for Holy Year celebrations, the Pope told them they had an unshakable mission to defend life from its natural start to its natural end. He said society today was dominated by an "abortionist culture'' in which the life of the unborn was violated and by "a concept of human autonomy'' in which euthansia could be used to free suffering people from pain. "You know that for Catholics it is never licit to become an accomplice to a presumed right to abortion or euthanasia,'' he told them. "Because they are intrinsically immoral, laws that favor such crimes cannot be seen as moral imperatives for doctors, who will use the right to make recourse to conscientious objection,'' he said. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that life begins at the moment of conception and ends
at the moment of natural death. The Church defends the rights of Roman Catholic doctors,
even those working in public institutions, to claim conscientious objection to abortion or
euthanasia and not be party to them. Pregnancy Centers Online http://www.pregnancycenters.org
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