Mary Without Sin
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How Can Mary be Without Sin When She Proclaims God is Her Savior

In Luke 1:46-48 Mary sings praise to the Lord . . . "My soul  magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he  has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant."  Many ask if Mary was without sin then why would she need to be saved?  What did she need to be saved from?  If she needed to be saved then how could she be without sin? 

Lets look at a parable*: 

Once there was a village that was terrorized by a horrible beast.  The villagers decided to dig a pit to try to capture the beast.  They dug the pit along one of the paths that the beast had been known  to frequent and they covered it with branches and leafs hoping the beast would fall in.  One day one of the men from the village was running along the path and forgot the pit was there and fell in.  He called for the Lord to save him from the pit and God lifted him out, brushed him off, and placed him back on the path.  Another day a woman was walking along the path.  She stepped on the branches and as she tethered on the edge of falling into the pit the Lord saved her and  prevented her from falling without her uttering a single word.

I believe that all Christians can agree that Jesus died on the cross to save us from eternal damnation.  We are like the man that  fell into the pit.  Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, to lift us out of the pit. 

Let us look at Mary for a moment.  If she was  without sin as the Catholic church proclaims then why would she (as she said in her own  words) need to be saved?   Scripture says  that God will send us a savior and He will come from the House of David. This Savior  had to become man and had to suffer and die in order to save us from our transgressions against God.  If this savior then was to truly become man then he had to be born and raised by a human family.  The God child had to be carried in the womb of a human mother for nine months in order to be truly human.  Since this vessel had to carry God then it had to be pure.

Therefore Mary had to be pure and without sin to give birth to Jesus, our Savior. Like the woman in the parable that was saved (in advance and without asking) from falling into the pit, Mary was truly save by Jesus, in advance, before he even died for the redemption of mankind,  so she could fulfill Gods will and carry the future Savior. 

Without the Lord prescribing the future task of carrying Jesus in her womb she would have never been born free of sin.

Joseph K. Abell MI

The God child had to be carried in the womb of a human mother for nine months in order to be truly human.   Since this vessel had to carry God then it had to be pure

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* The parable was adapted from a story told by Bud Macfarlane Jr. on an audio tape titled "The Truth About Mary".  You can obtain a free copy of the audio by writing to: The Mary Foundation, Box 26101, Fairview Park Ohio 44126.  Visit the Mary Foundation to find out about more of their free audio tapes on the internet at:
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